(School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu)
Fund Project:
食品安全对人们的生活至关重要,公众对可靠、有效信息的需求日益增强。然而,现有智能问答系统在处理食品安全相关问题时面临诸多挑战,包括知识推理、信息召回率以及问答泛化能力等不足。为此,本文提出一种基于大语言模型(Large language model, LLM)的创新性食品知识图谱智能感知问答系统。该系统通过大语言模型改善传统问题模板匹配方法的不足,结合文本向量库与知识图谱,并在知识图谱检索过程中引入高维向量语义检索技术,以显著提升知识图谱的检索召回率。试验结果表明,该系统在知识检索的准确性和效率方面均有显著提升,用户的使用体验得到明显改善。综上所述,所提出的食品知识图谱智能感知问答系统,不仅有效解决了现有系统的多项不足,还为食品安全领域的信息获取提供了高效、准确的方式,促进了社会治理的透明性和公众信任,具有广泛的应用前景与重要的社会价值。
Food safety is of vital importance to people's lives. With the improvement of living standards, public concern about food safety has also increased, and the urgent need for reliable and effective information response has arisen. Existing intelligent question-answering systems, such as those based on text vector libraries, have made some progress in knowledge reasoning, problem handling, and semantic relationship recognition, but still have some shortcomings; question-answering systems based on knowledge graphs face inherent challenges in terms of graph construction cost and information recall rate; while question-answering systems based on template matching are poor in question generalization ability and context understanding. This paper proposes an innovative knowledge graph-based intelligent perception question-answering system based on large language models (LLM). Using large language models to improve the shortcomings of the template matching method, combining text vector libraries and knowledge graphs at the same time, and introducing high-dimensional vector semantic search technology into the knowledge graph retrieval process to improve the knowledge graph retrieval recall rate. This innovative approach significantly improves the overall performance of the question-answering system and the user's experience.