
(1.中国计量大学生命科学学院食品营养与质量安全研究所 杭州 310018;2.兰溪市人民医院 浙江金华 321000;3.易晓食品(衢州)有限公司 浙江开化 324300;4.浙江艺福堂茶业有限公司博士创新工作站 浙江桐庐 311500;5.杭州市茗信茶业有限公司 杭州 310020)





浙江省科技计划项目(SKT20241106);衢州市科技攻关竞争性项目(2023k098);建德市农业与社会发展项目(2024NS10);杭州市科技特派员项目(20231122t48, 20231122t59);浙江省团队科技特派员项目(开化茶产业提升);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2020C02045)

Lipid Lowering Factors in Wuniuzao Tea (in Summer) and Its Effect on Regulating Liver and Gut Microbiota in Obese Mice

(1.Institute of Food Nutrition and Quality Safety, College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018;2.Lanxi City People's Hospital, Jinhua 321000, Zhejiang;3.Eastsign Food (Quzhou) Co., Ltd., Kaihua 324300, Zhejiang;4.Doctor Innovation Workstation of Zhejiang Yifutang Tea Industry Co., Ltd., Tonglu 311500, Zhejiang;5.Hangzhou Mingxin Tea Industry Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310020)

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    目的:采摘乌牛早夏季鲜叶分别制备为绿茶和红茶,分析其主要功能成分的含量变化。探究这两种茶的水提物干预肥胖小鼠肝脏和肠道菌群的作用机理。方法:采用化学计量法检测乌牛早夏绿茶和夏红茶各加工工序茶样的主要功能成分动态变化。适应性饲养50只小鼠1周后,将它们随机分为正常组(NC)、高脂组(HFD)、阳性对照组(PC)、乌牛早夏绿茶组(WG)和乌牛早夏红茶组(WB)各10只,连续口服灌胃8周(NC组和HFD组灌胃生理盐水,PC组灌胃10 mg/kg BW的阿托伐他汀,WG组和WB组分别灌胃300 mg/kg BW的乌牛早夏绿茶和夏红茶水提物),记录并分析小鼠体质量、Lee's指数、血糖水平、血脂、肝脏组织病理切片、肝脏脂质代谢SREBP1c信号通路及肠道菌群的变化。结果:乌牛早夏绿茶和夏红茶加工工序中主要功能成分含量发生明显变化。与乌牛早夏绿茶鲜叶相比,成品中茶多酚和咖啡碱含量分别升高了3.87%,0.61%,而游离氨基酸、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量分别下降了0.56%,0.47%以及4.26%。与乌牛早夏红茶鲜叶相比,成品中茶多酚、咖啡碱、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量分别下降了6.15%,0.40%,1.08%,0.53%以及4.11%;与高脂组相比,乌牛早夏绿茶组小鼠的体质量为27.73 g,Lee's 指数为3.18;乌牛早夏红茶组小鼠的体质量为26.78 g,Lee's 指数为3.15,均呈现显著差异(P<0.05)。并且,两种茶的水提物能有效缓解肥胖小鼠血糖、血脂水平以及肝脏脂肪过度堆积症状,调控肝脏脂质代谢SREBP1c信号通路相应基因转录含量和蛋白表达水平。肠道菌群分析结果显示,乌牛早夏绿茶和夏红茶水提物可降低肥胖小鼠肠道菌群中厚壁菌门与拟杆菌门的比值,并特异性增加一些有益菌种的相对丰度(如拟普雷沃菌属和理研菌属)。结论:两种茶水提物均能有效改善肥胖小鼠肝脏代谢异常和肠道菌群紊乱,其中乌牛早夏绿茶水提物的作用效果更为显著。


    Objective: Analyze the dynamic changes trend of main functional components in Wuniuzao green tea and black tea which are prepared from fresh leaves in summer and explore the intervention effects of Wuniuzao green tea and black tea (in summer) water extract on liver and gut microbiota in obese mice. Methods: Detect the dynamic changes trend of main functional components of samples from each processing procedures in Wuniuzao green tea and black tea (in summer). After acclimation feeding for 1 week, 50 mice were randomly divided into the following groups, such as normal control (NC) group, Wuniuzao green tea (WG) group, Wuniuzao black tea (WB) group, high-fat diet (HFD) group and positive control (PC) group, which were continuously administrated (NC and HFD group were given normal saline, PC group was given atorvastatin (10 mg/kg BW), WG and WB group were given tea water extract (300 mg/kg BW) for 8 weeks. The changes of body weight, Lee's index, blood glucose levels, serum lipid, pathobiology in liver tissues, SREBP1c signaling pathway in liver lipid metabolism and gut microbiota were measured. Results: During processing procedures, the contents of main functional components of Wuniuzao green tea and black tea (in summer) changed obviously. Compared to the‘Fresh leaves’ sample of Wuniuzao green tea (in summer), the contents of tea polyphenol and caffeine in the‘Drying’ sample were respectively increased by 3.87% and 0.61%, while the contents of free amino acids, soluble sugar, and soluble protein were respectively reduced by 0.56%, 0.47%, and 4.26%. Compared to the ‘Fresh leaves’ sample of Wuniuzao black tea (in summer), the contents of tea polyphenol, caffeine, free amino acids, soluble sugar, and soluble protein were respectively reduced by 6.15%, 0.40%, 1.08%, 0.53%, and 4.11%. Compared to the HFD group, the WG group and WB group exhibited a significant difference (P < 0.05) in body weight (27.73 g, 26.78 g) and Lee's index (3.18, 3.15). Besides, tea water extract could also significantly improve blood glucose tolerance levels, serum levels and lipid deposition in liver, and regulate the level of SREBP1c signaling pathway related genes and proteins of liver lipid metabolism in mice. The results of gut microbiota analysis showed that tea water extract decreased the ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetesd (F/B), and increased the growth of beneficial bacteria, including Rikenellaceae and Alloprevotella. Conclusion: Wuniuzao green tea and black tea (in summer) water extract have obvious effects on intervening abnormal liver metabolism and gut microbiota dysbiosis in obese mice, and the Wuniuzao green tea water extract has a better effect.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-19
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-23
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