Abstract:A multivariate linear regression model between the coupling factor and the quality index of oat noodles in the drying system was established, and the drying coupling factor predicted the quality index of oat noodles. Taking the quality index of oat noodles as the dependent variables, and the coupling factors (temperature, air absolute water potential, air absolute water potential and accumulated temperature) as the independent variables, through multiple linear regression, the prediction model of each quality index of oat noodles was established, evaluated and verified. The results showed that the established quality index regression models of optimal cooking time, cooking loss, cooking water absorption, ductility, hardness, chewability, adhesion, flexural strength, breaking distance, acidity and fatty acid value, were significant (P < 0.01), and the model's coefficients R2 for quality index prediction were 0.8075, 0.9981, 0.8485, 0.8354, 0.8118, 0.8194, 0.8030, 0.8416, 0.8838, 0.8100 and 0.8888, respectively. The drying coupling factor can be used to predict the quality index of oat noodles, and the study provided a theoretical basis for the quality control of oat noodles in the drying process.